Rock Port R-II School

School Information

School Pledge

For God, country, and school, I pledge my loyalty, leadership, and cooperation to Rock Port School and to the high ideals for which it stands. Under the blue and white may we go forth to lift the standards of youth higher every day.

School Song

On oh Rock Port,
On oh Rock Port,
On to victory.
Proud are we of all the glory,
Here’s our health to thee
Rah! Rah! Rah!

On oh Rock Port,
On oh Rock Port,
Dear old white and blue,

Our hearts are ever thine,
We’ll all be true.

You may travel,
Cross the prairie,
Over hill and dale,
Searching for a school more loyal,
‘Tis of no avail.

For no matter how she calls us,
Be it work or play,
We stand with ready hands,
Her will to obey. Hey!

School Mascot

Blue Jay Logo with Circle